"Through this programme, we were taught to problematize terms like the MIDDLE EAST and GREATNESS....
we learned that the media plays a huge role in the change of narrative about a people, their region and cultures."
Selamatu Sule ~ Business Owner, Author, Researcher
Nigeria and Lebanon are two great nations, blessed with rich human and natural resources. They are also similar from the point of view of the diversity of religious affiliations of their citizenry.
Mary Emilia Aboekwe ~ Department of Religion and Society Faculty of Arts Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University
SAIL/WSF - Study Abroad in Lebanon
In partnership with Notre Dame University - Louaize and the Cedars Institute.
SAIL/WSF (Study Abroad in Lebanon) is the first Global Exchange program of The WOLE SOYINKA Foundation. In recognition of the deep historical links between Nigeria and the Lebanese community at large, a challenge was issued to the Lebanese diaspora in Nigeria for a true cultural exchange based off of more than business and commerce. Under the leadership of Dr. Habib Jafaar of the LDI (Lebanese Dialogue Initiative) the challenge was met. in 2016 the first group of Nigerian scholars were sent to Lebanon. SAIL/WSF has the aim of becoming a true exchange between both Lebanese and scholars in Africa and her Diaspora.
See below for our latest course objectives!
Course Objectives
The course has multi-layered objectives, both substantive and methodological. Among the methodological goals are the following:
It will enable students to assess and evaluate historical and philosophical concepts both methodically and critically. It will enable students to reflect, think, and write critically about their own experiences confronting new cultural contexts. It will allow them to read, analyze, and evaluate a key primary historical text of global significance. Finally, it will give students ample opportunities to engage the faculty in critical discussions of all aspects of the course.
Among the substantive goals are the following: It will introduce students to new concepts and will challenge their preconceptions of the region. It will allow students to understand some of the major themes of World History from the unique vantage point of Lebanon. It will complement lectures with first-hand experience of UNESCO world heritage sites and other historically significant areas. It will expose students to the culture of dialogue and its implementation within Lebanese society. It will enable students to gain an appreciation of a culture foreign to their own and in the process have a broader
and more nuanced perspective of their own culture. Finally, it will make possible for Nigerian students to interact with. Lebanese students and society in various contexts.
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