The WOLE SOYINKA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity whose mission is to bring writers, artistes, scholars, researchers and other creative thinkers together in an optimally conducive environment for reflection and creativity in Nigeria, Africa
Within its resources, the Foundation will play a creatively inspirational role in this global mission to explore, celebrate, and re-vitalize the contributions of Africa and her Diaspora to world civilization.
“Something has to be done about those who debase others; who interfere with the human rights of those, to the truth.
We need to know the truth about what happens around us.”
Foundation Program
Cross-Cultural Exchange
Live Performances, Workshops, Exchanges and Seminars
Donor Participatory Innovations
Personal and Enriching Experiences

Our Values
The Foundation especially promotes designs that are inspired by the ideal of pluralism in society, and commited to the eradication of prejudice, religious bigotry, and intolerance in all spheres of the human undertaking.